I Am Pawso
Come along with Pawso as he discovers
how to calm down, problem solve,
and gain confidence in difficult situations.

Pawso Practices
Pawso's collection of coping skills and
lessons that reduce stress and
encourage healthy choices.

Who Is Pawso?
A rescue cat and mental health cat-vocate,
sharing coping skills with Pawsonality.

Teaching Kids
Pawso teaches kids ways to turn around
difficult situations through interactive lessons
and skill building activities

I Am Pawso
Come along with Pawso and discover how to calm down, problem solve & gain confidence.

Pawso Practices
Pawso's collection of coping skills and lessons that reduce stress and encourage healthy choices.

Who Is Pawso?
A rescue cat and mental health cat-vocate, sharing coping skills with Pawsonality.

Teaching Kids
Pawso, the cat, teaches kids ways to turn around difficult situations

I Am Pawso
Everywhere Pawso goes, he gets angry because no one can say his name right. At first he argues and even wants to hide, until he learns he can control his feelings inside. Join Pawso as he discovers how to use his special talents to cope with stressful situations and confusing feelings. As he expands his view and continues to learn, he builds self-confidence and stronger relationships.
I Am Pawso

Everywhere Pawso goes, he gets angry because no one can say his name right. At first he argues and even wants to hide, until he learns he can control his feelings inside. Join Pawso as he discovers how to use his special talents to cope with stressful situations and confusing feelings. As he expands his view and continues to learn, he builds self-confidence and stronger relationships.

Grow and Learn
I am a rescue cat who is furry, purry and full of worry, so I use my coping skills to overcome my Adverse Cat Experiences (ACEs).
Grow and Learn

I am a rescue cat who is furry, purry and full of worry, so I use my coping skills to overcome my Adverse Cat Experiences (ACEs).
Pawso's Posse
Meet the Cat-a-log of Characters

Head Honcho

Sister Samba

Dr. Bengal



"But for a moment, my mind starts to churn. I can change my thoughts with a shake and a turn!"
Pawso Practices
Lessons • Coping Skills • Ideas • Resources
Pawso uses the Pawso Practices everyday to calm down and make healthy choices at home and school.
Paws Time

Slow Down
I can ask for more time. I can walk away if I need space to calm down. I can go to a quiet place and organize my thoughts and ideas
Take A Deep Breath
Fill Up Your Belly Like a Balloon.
Blow a Candle Out, slowly.
Ask For Help
Asking a trusted adult for help is a smart choice.
Reflect on the Situation
I need to Paws before I make decisions. I think about the situation, so I will not say mean words or fight back. I think about how I can learn from my mistakes and make different choices next time.
Use My Words
I can say, "NO," share my feelings, tell others when I am uncomfortable, and even disagree with people.

What I Show People
We show people our outside, but we have a lot going on inside, too!
My Beliefs
How I see and understand the world affects the way I treat people, my reactions to situations, and what I think is right or wrong.
My Thoughts
My thoughts affect how I feel about myself, situations, and other people. Positive thoughts make me feel good. Negative thoughts make me feel bad.
My Self-Talk
It matters if I say mean or kind words to myself. When I talk nice to myself, I feel better and treat others better
How My Friends See Me
I show a different catitude depending on who I am with and where I am. When I feel safe and accepted, I show the "real me." When I am insecure or uncomfortable, I pretend to be strong and hide parts of myself.
My Behavior
I make choices everyday how I want to act at school and home. When I am angry I act differently than when I am happy. I am in charge of my behavior.

Who Am I?
Tell Me All About You!
My Favorite Things
We can use our favorite things to help us cope with stressful situations and problem solve.
My Talents
What comes easy for you? What makes you feel special? What do you like to show others? What are you proud of? Do you like to show-off anything?
I Have Inner Powers
When I feel upset or stressed, I use my inner powers to help me calm down, clear my head, and help me make a good choice.