Simple calming exercises to cope with COVID, Trauma, and Stress

Written by Casey Hersch, MSW, LCSW
September 27, 2020
During this time, we need ways to manage stress more than ever. Those of us with histories of trauma are especially triggered by this "universal trauma." Even if you don't know anyone with covid or are not working in direct client services, it is impossible to not be impacted by the grief and stress around you. Whether it is knowing your small business friends are struggling, missing contact with your friends/family, not being able to go to the gym or dance class, or wondering if our political climate will find balance, there is a lot happening. Not to mention, fires and environmental tragedy.
These calming exercises are invaluable---they are simple and effective. I attended a training where these resources were shared and now I want to share them with all of you. Click the link below to explore the many resources available and find the ones that fit for you! A few times a day is all it takes to calm your stress respose and bring your body and mind back to clarity and peace.