My favorite gluten free chocolate chip cookies

December 31, 2020
Written by Casey Hersch, MSW, LCSW
New Years Resolution: Try New Things
One of my new years resolutions is to have new experiences and try new things. Throughout my lifetime, people have told me that I am not a good cook, and I internalized and believed this negative message about myself. Yes, I do have tragedy in the kitchen: burned pans and smoke alarms blaring. I don't invest in high quality kitchen items because there is a strong chance I will ruin them---but I truly believed that I was defective or incapable of baking.
Challenging Negative Beliefs About Myself
Part of my challenge in the kitchen is due to my limited ingredient diet, which is suitable for Crohn's disease. Until I discovered Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free One-To-One baking flour, baking easily frustrated me because I had to research substitutions for all the ingredients with which I was allergic or intolerant. However, I decided to challenge my beliefs that "I am the worst person in the kitchen," and I took a risk and tried a new experience. I baked my first gluten free chocolate chip cookies and.....VOILA THEY WORKED! The cookies are tasty and I am encouraged to try more recipes from Bob's Red Mill. I substituted spectrum shortening for the butter, left out the nuts, and used Enjoy Life chocolate chips. Bob's Red Mill certainly has the ingredients and combinations down to a science, so even with my lack of experience in the kitchen and my substitutions, I still proved I am a success!
What will you try this New Year?
photo credit Scott Hersch