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Music Therapy Can Heal Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases, Science Confirms

How does it work?

Sound healing is not complicated at all. It can be transmitted to someone from many different sources – their own voice, another person’s voice, from listening to songs or an instrument or even from a pet. In fact, research has shown that when a cat purrs within a range of 20-140 Hertz, nearby humans greatly benefit from these vibrations. Purring has been linked to lowering stress, decreasing symptoms of dyspnoea, lowering the chances of having a heart attack, and even strengthening bones.

The quality and type of sound are also very important. Several scientific studies have been conducted on the potential healing benefits, and in many places, they are now being practiced with great success.

Here is a list of some of them:

The Lithotripter

There is a machine called a Lithotripter that is widely used in modern medicine. It uses sound waves to break up kidney and gallstones. The machine attacks the stones with a specific sound frequency for one to two hours. The patient is admitted in the morning and discharged in the evening, and generally, no anesthetic is needed. The destroyed stones are passed out of the body through the urine, and with most patients only one treatment is sufficient to successfully break the stones down.

Using music therapy to heal chronic tinnitus

A two-year study conducted by the Klaus Tschira Foundation in Germany showed that using music therapy dramatically reduces the symptoms of chronic tinnitus. The patients reported a significant decrease in their symptoms, and MRI scans of their brains showed that the sound therapy activated certain areas of the brain that researchers believed were responsible for the symptoms that come with tinnitus.

Destroying cancer cells

Research conducted by Fabien Maman shows how sound can destroy cancer cells. Cancer cells were found to become unstable and disintegrate when they were played all the notes of the musical scale. In contrast, healthy cells absorbed and integrated the sound without resistance.

Experiments with water

Since the human body is made up of 70% water, it makes for a very good conductor of sound. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher, designed an experiment to test the effect of spoken words and music on water molecules. He expressed different sounds and feelings to different bottles of purified water – some he exposed to love, and others he exposed to hate by telling it “you make me sick.”

With some, he played Mozart and others he played heavy metal music. He then froze the bottles and used a powerful microscope in a very cold room along with high-speed photography, to photograph newly formed crystals in the water.

Here are the results of the experiment:

"I love you"
Emoto I love you

"You make me sick"
Emoto You make me sick

Emoto Mozart

Heavy Metal
Emoto Heavy metal

Curing prostate cancer

Research conducted in South East London, UK, has shown that ultrasound therapy cured 90% of male patients who suffered from prostate cancer, without any harm. Dr. Hashim Ahmed, who led the study at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation, said:

“We’re optimistic that men diagnosed with prostate cancer may soon be able to undergo a day case surgical procedure, which can be safely repeated once or twice, to treat their condition with very few side-effects.”

These are just a few of the many success stories that are beginning to emerge in favor of sound therapy and music therapy, with surely much more to come. As Dr. Emoto stated, if water can be so greatly affected by sound and vibrations, then indeed us humans can too.

With no side effects and increased vitality and wellbeing to be gained, it’s only a matter of time until music therapy becomes a cornerstone in modern medicine.

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